“Precision of communication is important, more important than ever, in our era of hair trigger balances, when a false or misunderstood word may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act.” – James Thurber
three office staff smiling

Clear Language Communication can do much more for your business than simply translating documents. We can provide you with expert advice on how to effectively reach your prospective clients. We will act as your linguistic consultants to make transitioning into foreign markets easier for you.

Our consulting services include:

  • Legal/Market/Cultural Analysis
    Cross an international border and the business climate can change dramatically. Success depends on knowing the protocol, market conditions, and legal precedents in each country where you operate. With our consulting services, we can help you translate your success to foreign markets.
  • Brand Name Analysis
    We will analyze your brand name to help predict its success in foreign markets. Our language consultants will conduct a thorough survey of proposed brand names, evaluating qualities such as associations with particular images, confusion with similar sounding words, potentially negative connotations, and the ease of pronunciation among your target customers.

Talk to Us
Set an Appointment now and find out how we can help in your unique situation. If you have other concerns, contact us at 484-954-7878 for assistance.